Seimei Demonstrations

Peggy does demonstrations and One Point of Pain and Advanced One Point of Pain relief at the following locations:

City Market at the Museum
325 Franklin St
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m
May through October
Healing Circle

Unity Church
717 Orchard Ave
Wilmington, NC 28403

First Monday of the month (public)  7pm-9pm


Seimei (pronounced Say May) came into being with the birth of Toshihisa Hiraki, a great man of wisdom and clarity, in 1947 in Kumamoto, Japan. He acknowledged the existence of a unique phenomenon within himself that defied physical laws as we know them. He named this phenomenon SEIMEI or “the awakened Vital Life Force.” He then proceeded to prove it into physical manifestation by using it to alter the taste of liquids and relieve pain and discomfort in all things animate without physically touching the object or the person.

The Seimei practitioner initiates a process that allows your body to heal itself. The practitioner also locates the point of pain you described and monitors the changes taking place. Seimei works by removing stagnation in the body that can cause pain and discomfort. Results vary depending on how long you’ve had the condition.

Some of the more common issues associated with pain are:

AccidentsCarpal TunnelMuscle StrainStress
ArthritisCuts and BruisesPMSTendonitis
Back PainHeart BurnShock/DistressTight Shoulders
BalancingHeadachesSore MusclesTMJ
BurnsJoint PainSports Injuries
BursitisKnee PainStiff Neck

Seimei ( Vital Life Force) is a proven technique.  We do not diagnose, provide advice or make recommendations regarding health. As with other holistic modalities, we are a complement to, not a replacement for, sound medical care.

Seimei is absolutely safe. In fact, we have no physical contact with our clients and offer no remedies or supplements.

Seimei has attracted more than 15,000 Japanese practitioners. The attraction to this work is based on the speed in which results take place.

This healing phenomenon is truly unique because both you and the practitioner experience positive results.

Seimei Sessions

What does a session look like?  There are two types of sessions:

One Point of Pain relief (about 2-4 minutes)

You will stand, check into your body (head, neck, shoulders, back and legs) to determine where you have pain, what is the intensity of the pain on a scale of one to ten, and what does the pain feel like (sharp, dull, tightness, aching, shooting, burning, etc).  If you have more than one point of pain, then pick the one that is the worst or your biggest concern to address.

The Practitioner will create and hold a Sacred Space for your pain relief and position their hands on either side of your body without touching you.  After a few minutes, he/she will stop and have you check into that area to see if the pain has gone, decreased or shifted in it’s expression (less pain, no longer sharp but now achy, etc).  You and the Practitioner will then acknowledge the change resulting from the Seimei.

Advanced One Point of Pain relief (up to 45 minutes)

You will be fully clothed, sitting comfortably on a chair, and relaxed. A session usually lasts for 30-40 minutes.  This includes checking in for identifying a One Point of Pain, scanning the body, balancing the Autonomic Nervous System, pulling viruses (pathogens, inflammation, heavy metals, or toxins) out of your body, addressing the one point of pain using any of a variety of organs or the actual specific point of the pain, then followed by a full body balance.  A session is $45. A packet of 10 Ma Ni Power Charms to take home with you is $24.  Seimei is most effective for acute conditions; several sessions may be necessary for chronic conditions. Seimei is absolutely safe.

To arrange a session, please contact me via the Contact Us tab.

Becoming a Practitioner

Toshihisa Hiraki, founder of Seimei, eventually devised a curriculum and awakening process that allows people to explore, learn and know about their own Seimei. The awakening process, called the Go Juki No Gi ceremony, translates as “The Awarding of Power.” This happens directly from the Founder in Japan. This is where the journey starts. Then one takes classes and finds their own passionate uses for SEIMEI.

There is a lot more to SEIMEI than can be described, but it is used primarily as an alternative non-touch healing technique. It is very powerful and can help relieve pain, stress and tension from the mind, body, and spirit/soul.  For acute conditions, SEIMEI is phenomenal: One minute the pain is there, the next it’s better !* Tens of thousands of people in the East have been taught to use their own Seimei creating better lives for themselves and those around them.

Introduction of Seimei to the West began ten years ago and is an on-going endeavor. The journey begins by going to Japan for the Awarding of Power Ceremony.  Immediately following the Ceremony, you can change the taste of liquids, take away a single point of pain and do an emergency rebalance. This completes the Level I of training.  Levels II and III are taught in both US locations. Currently there are two centers for the Study of Seimei in the U.S.: Morristown, NJ and Santa Fe, NM.

The Seimei Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization.

*Seimei results vary depending on how long a person has had a condition, and it is not a substitute for sound medical care.