Natural Botanicals

Natural Botanicals

I have recently been introduced to a company that makes a handful of natural botanical products.  I have been so impressed with the results and how fast they work!  Below I have listed a brief description of the product, ingredients and protocol. 

Pain and Inflammation Relief:

This product is a miracle in a bottle!  I have osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and cannot take any pain meds due to interactions to other meds.  Three doses of this and my pain was gone!  Once I completed the two-bottle protocol, I just take one capsule a day for total relief!

Directions:  First three days, take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening (preferably with warm water).  Next three days, take 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening (preferably with warm water).  After that, just take 1 capsule a day (morning or evening).  Some days you may want to take an extra capsule if the pain flares up.

Diabetic and High Blood Pressure Directions:

First day take 1 cap in morning.  Then check blood sugar and/or blood pressure often during that 1st day.  Before the evening dose, if either blood sugar or blood pressure spike, reduce dosage, skip a day or two-go slow.  If no spike from the morning dose, then take 1st day 1 cap in evening. Before 2nd day morning dose, check blood sugar/blood pressure. If all OK, then for 2 days do 1 cap morning and 1 cap evening (with warm water).  Do check regularly during the day.  The 2nd bottle can be continued at 1 cap per morning dose.  A reduced dosage does take longer to feel the beneficial physical effects but is more gentle and recommended for those with blood sugar and/or blood pressure challenges.

Ingredients:  Qing Feng Teng (anti-inflammation effecting joints and vascular smooth muscle relaxant). Radix Clematidis (reduce inflammation, improves synovial fluid movement, acid/base balance, especially gout and arthritis). Caulis Piperis Futoradsurae: relaxes muscle, reduce cramps, supports pain-free joint movement, anti-inflammation, for painful, stiff joints, low back, knee pain, muscle cramps, and pain associated with trauma/injury.  Herba cum Radice Asari: supports vital organs, promotes digestion and healthy elimination, for wind-cold causing body aches, headaches and toothaches and for copious cold phlegm, congested fluids and nasal congestion relief.  Rhizoma Chaunxiong: most commonly used Chinese herb, balances yin/yang, male-female energy balancing, stabilizes metabolic processes and balances emotional energy. Radix Angelicae: reduces inflammation from allergic reactions and an anti-bacterial and natural antibiotic.

No medical claims are made for this product, and we cannot be held responsible for how you choose to use it.  Do NOT self-medicate or use if pregnant without proper training.  Keep out of reach of children.  All health- related questions should be directed to a health care provider.

Women’s Hormonal Balance:

Hormonal imbalance also often means hot flashes, frequent emotional ups and downs and vaginal dryness.  Your hair is graying faster than you think and it is falling out as well.  All signs that your hormones are low, all 3 of them- Estrogen-Progesterone and Testosterone!  Scientific studies have found that women who have lower testosterone levels, than the levels normal to women, can’t function very well.  This all- natural product assists the body to rebuild and balance ALL feminine hormones and helps to improve female functionality.

Directions:  Take 2 capsules twice a day after meals.  Reduce the dose to 2 capsules as body condition improves after 3-5 weeks.  Highly recommend eating lots of fruits and veggies, regular exercise, enough water and sufficient sleep.

40 capsules per bottle.  Protocol is 3 bottles for first month, drop to 1-2 bottles per month afterwards.

$55 per bottle plus S+H

Ingredients:  Soy Isoflavones: Recent studies have found that soy-in the form of either isoflavone-rich protein or pure isoflavone supplements- can reduce menopausal hot flashes and increase bone density in women.  Indeed, many menopausal and postmenopausal health problems may result from a lack of isoflavones.  Aloe Vera Extract:  Aloe Vera helps menopause problems and is one of the most effective natural treatments of an.  Aloe Vera helps because it is rich in amino acids, salicylic acid, folic acid, Vitamin V12, Vitamin A, E and C.  Many women find that taking Aloe Vera can help relieve night sweats, not flushes as well as mood swings and vaginal dryness. Ginseng Extract:  Used for centuries to help alleviate menopausal symptoms and PMS, as well as boosting memory and concentration.  With its ginsenosides-known to boost brain function and blood flow-and phyto-estrogens, ginseng is an important tool to improve menopausal symptoms.  Rehmannia Glutinosa: Helps to regulate menstrual flow which is important for some women during peri-menopause.  Anti-inflammatory effects help with urinary tract problems.   Angelicae Sinensis: Dong Quai is primarily known for its uses in treating women’s problems including lack of sexual desire, the symptoms of menopause, cramps and PMS. Also known as an anti-bacterial agent to fight infection in general.

No medical claims are made for this product and we cannot be held responsible for how you choose to use it.  Do NOT self-medicate or use if pregnant without proper training.  Keep out of reach of children.  All health- related questions should be directed to a health care provider.

Men’s Hormonal Balance:

Men have the same hormones as women, only men have twice as much Testosterone, which if low, effects kidneys, prostate and can cause premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.  With low Testosterone, Estrogen and/or Progesterone the body starts to age quickly.  Men experience the same effects as women; sagging skin, emotional ups/downs, hair loss and graying.  This natural product over time rebuilds and balances hormone levels.  Keep in mind that it took time for your body to get out of balance.  Your body needs a “healing time” for the balance and normal function to return.

Directions: Take 1 capsule up to twice a day 1 hour after a meal.  Proceed slowly over a period of 2 weeks to 3 months with no side effects.  Can be used to maintain good stamina at a lower dose.

30 gelcaps per bottle      Protocol is 2 bottles/first month.  Adjust as needed         $55 per bottle plus S+H

Ingredients:  Ginseng:  Treats Erectile Dysfunction (ED).  Can improve sexual performance in males. ED is not a normal part of aging, but it becomes more common with age. Cordyceps: Most commonly used for kidney disorders and male sexual problems.  Is well known in Traditional Chinese Remedies and have had a long history of successful use. Red Deer Antler Velvet:  The estrogen hormone most affected by deer antler velvet is estradiol which is a precursor to Testosterone. Used to increase libido, treat male erectile dysfunction and improve fertility. Artichoke:  Mainly used in herbal medicine to lower cholesterol, protect the liver and fight against bacteria and fungi. Chinese Knot Weed:  Is an herbal impotence remedy.  It strengthens the immune system, facilitates formation of red blood cells and fights against various pathogenic bacteria.  Balances fragile Yin, tonifies the kidneys, safeguards the skin from UV-B damage and treats premature graying of hair. 

No medical claims are made for this product and we cannot be held responsible for how you choose to use it.  Do NOT self-medicate or use if pregnant without proper training.  Keep out of reach of children.  All health- related questions should be directed to a health care provider.

Sinusitis Remedy:

Sinusitis Remedy clears sinuses of infection, excess phlegm and relieves the congestion in the head and lungs.  Very effective against low grade Staph infections in the sinus as well as black mold.

Directions:  Take 2 tablets twice a day before meals.  Recommended use for 28-35 straight days even if symptoms stop.  Use with ginkgo biloba also highly recommended for best results.

30 capsules per bottle.  Protocol is 3 bottles for moderate sinusitis, 4 bottles for severe sinusitis.

$45 per bottle plus S+H.

Ingredients:  Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis):  known as “female Ginseng” and has been used for thousands of years in China.  Yellow Himalayan fritillary:  clears hot phlegm and stops cough.  Clears lung heat caused by Yin deficiency. Clears heat and reduces hard lumps, swellins and sinus congestion.  Magnolia-liliflora Desr. Flower:  Remedy for headache and nasal obstruction in colds; sinusitis with purulent discharge.  Xanthium:  Effective in relieving the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies, particularly nasal congestion and sinus pain. Strong anti-inflammatory properties, anti-tussive functions, and anti-bacterial effects (particularly against staphylococcus aureus-a major culprit in sinus infections).  Angelica dahurica:  A well- used Chinese herbal remedy for sore throat, running nose, sneezing, irritation and difficulty in breathing.  Notopterygium Root:  used to treat the flu and its accompanying body aches, fever and headaches.  Often taken in the initial stages of flu symptoms. Commonly used to treat joint pain, especially pain in the upper limbs and back, and headache pain in the back of the head.

No medical claims are made for this product, and we cannot be held responsible for how you choose to use it.  Do NOT self-medicate or use if pregnant without proper training.  Keep out of reach of children.  All health- related questions should be directed to a health care provider.

Glucose Stabilization

Glucose Stabilizer lowers blood sugar, regulates fluctuations in blood sugar levels to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.  Stabilization also reduces the risk of symptoms related to diabetes such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, blurry vision, feet numbness due to nerve damage and poor circulation and swelling in the feet, ankles and legs.  Glucose stabilizer for type I and II diabetes, and people with high blood sugar Impaired Glucose Tolerance pre-diabetic state.

Directions:  Pre-diabetics:  take 2 capsules twice a day 30 minutes before meals.

                   Type II diabetes: take 3 capsules twice a day 30 minutes before meals.

                   Type I diabetes:  take 4 capsules twice a day 30 minutes before meals.

60 gelcaps per bottle      Protocol:  Pre-diabetics = 2 bottles for first month.    $50 per bottle plus S + H

                                    Protocol:  Type II diabetes = 3 bottles for first month

                                    Protocol:  Type I diabetes = 4 bottles for first month

Lower the dose as condition improves after 1st month.  Can be used continuously to maintain normal blood sugar.   

Ingredients:  Bitter Melon:  For Type II diabetes.  Activates the enzyme AMPK, a protein well known for regulating fuel metabolism and enabling glucose uptake. Gymnema Sylvestre: Helps fight sugar cravings and lower high blood sugar levels. May help stimulate insulin secretion and the regeneration of pancreas islet cells-both of which can help lower blood sugar. Anemarrhena Ahi Mu: Used to treat Yin deficiency, an underlying cause of diabetes.  Increases the effectiveness of insulin and can lower blood glucose levels. Greatest effect in mild to moderate diabetic conditions. Rhemannia Gluticosa: Used for diabetes, “tired blood”, anemia, fever, weakened bones (osteoporosis) and allergies. Polygonatum Odoratum:  Solomon’s Seal; nourishes the Yin, promotes the secretion of body fluid, moistens lungs and clearing away the heart-fire, relieving cough and other effects.  Five Leaf Ginseng Extract:  Helps increase insulin production, enhance blood sugar uptake in cells and provide antioxidant protection. Morinda Citrifolia Fruit Extract:  Boosts immunity, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-histamine properties boost the immune defense mechanism of the body.

No medical claims are made for this product and we cannot be held responsible for how you choose to use it.  Do NOT self-medicate or use if pregnant without proper training. Stop immediately is case of allergy or any reaction to this product.  Keep out of reach of children.  All health- related questions should be directed to a health care provider.

Lymphatic Care Cleanse

When your lymph system isn’t working effectively you feel like your body just hurts from head to toe…And when you look in the mirror your face tells all.

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials.  The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, to the entire body.  Lymphatic Care helps support the body’s natural balance and maintains a healthy, clean lymphatic system FREE of phlegm.

Ingredients:  Seaweed: offers many benefits such as increased metabolism, blood purification, break down of fats, and improved joint flexibility.  They also strengthen the kidneys and benefit healthy hair and nails. They are antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and alkalinizing.  Seaweeds remove radiation residue from the body, cleanse the lymphatic system, alleviate liver stagnation, and are beneficial to the thyroid, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. They lower cholesterol and reduce fat in the blood.  Can be used to treat: swelling, lumps, goiter, swollen lymph nodes, edema, chronic cough, skin disease and tumors.  Bulb of Tendrelleaf:  eases chronic dry cough or cough with yellow oral discharge. Reduces swelling and eases inflammatory conditions. Nutgrass:  facilitates the flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood in the body which is needed for good health. Balloon Flower Root: anti-inflammatory, also used for colds and coughs as expectorant and dilates the bronchi.  Snake Gourd Root:  used to drain the body’s internal heat, which depletes the body of fluids and gives rise to symptoms such as thirst, a flushed face, red tongue, fever and constipation.  Promotes lymph fluid retention to support the lymph system function.  Bur Reed Rhizome: meridian affinity for liver and spleen; removes the retention of undigested food and relieves pain.  Angelica Root:  helps restore strength and stamina during periods of convalescence.  Is a superb tonic and helps support healthy immune, reproductive, lymphatic and respiratory systems.

Directions:  Take 3 tablets twice a day with warm water for 30 days.  Repeat every 3-4 months.

/36 capsules per bottle.  Protocol is for 5 bottles.  $35 per bottle plus S+H.

No medical claims are made for this product and we cannot be held responsible for how you choose to use it.  Do NOT self-medicate or use if pregnant without proper training.  Keep out of reach of children.  All health- related questions should be directed to a health care provider.

Please note that the first day or so, old putrid fecal matter and toxins that have been stuck to the intestinal walls for months or years will be released.  It may have a very potent smell (like rotting meat- which it probably is) so be prepared for that possibility.  (You may want to stay home that first day or so or carry a small air freshner product with you).   This will allow the mucosal lining of the intestines to be exposed so that optimal healing can occur. 

Cholesterol Remedy

Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol), stimulates metabolism of adipose cortisol stored fat, stabilizes blood sugar levels to help reduce risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and type II diabetes.

Directions:  Adults:  take 2 capsules a day, 1 after breakfast and 1 after evening meal for 1 month.  Use 4 times a year for best results.  Highly recommended with Omega-3 supplements, lots of fruits and veggies and regular exercise.

30 capsules per bottle.   Protocol is 2 bottles per month, 4 times a year.   $50 per bottle plus S+H

Ingredients:  Lotus Leaf Extract:  When combined with L-carnitine, might represent a treatment option for obesity-related diseases.  The mixture was shown to prevent adipo-genesis, the formation of fatty tissue. Docynia Indica Fruit Extract: Consists of polyphenol compounds, especially flavonoids and alkaloids. Body weight reducing effects in obese mice were demonstrated clearly.  Five Leaf Ginseng Extract:  May help increase insulin production, enhance blood sugar uptake in cells and provide antioxidant protection.

No medical claims are made for this product and we cannot be held responsible for how you choose to use it.  Do NOT self-medicate or use if pregnant without proper training. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Do not take if you are taking other medications.  Stop immediately is case of allergy or any reaction to this product.  Keep out of reach of children.  All health- related questions should be directed to a health care provider.