CJ Scarlet

CJ Scarlet

CJ Scarlet is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and author. She is also a facilitator of retreats for veterans with PTSD/military sexual trauma, and for women and girls living in imperiled communities.

An expert in victim advocacy, CJ has given speeches and workshops at national and international events; and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including MSNBC and NPR.

The former roller skating carhop and U.S. Marine photojournalist holds a B.A. in Political Science from Virginia Wesleyan College, and an interdisciplinary M.A. in Humanities with an emphasis on Human Violence from Old Dominion University.

CJ is the author of The Badass Girl’s Guide: Uncommon Strategies to Outwit Predators and Neptune’s Gift: Discovering Your Inner Ocean. Named one of the “Happy 100” people on the planet, CJ’s personal story of triumph over adversity is featured in several books, including bestsellers Happy for No Reason and Be Invincible.

CJ can be reached at cj@cjscarlet.com or through her website at www.cjscarlet.com.

Stephanie Shipper

Specializing in Gentle Life-altering Healing for
Chronic Fears, Traumatic Responses, & Phobias

Have you ever asked yourself: who would I be if I stopped living life based on a painful story?
Up until today has your personality been a composite of the limiting stories that still haunt you?
Have you wondered who you might be if this story was not defining your life any more?
Ready to write a new story based on Victory & Freedom from your ‘Enemy’ (unresolved stories/
traumas)? Welcome, you have come to the right place!
Born to engaged Civil rights advocates from Alabama, I noticed very early that people could
achieve all their inalienable rights and still not be ‘free.’ All of us alive have ‘enemies,’ (unresolved
stories/traumas) that dictate our true freedom and potential.
My practice focuses on reestablishing freedom from the stories, fears, phobias, & self sabotage
that until now have defined your ability to exceed and excel. All of us are Divinity wrapped in
human fears and limitations. I believe it is your birthright to fulfill your passions & fully potentiate!
Stephanie Shipper has 33 years experience as a Certified Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming
(NLP,) a Trainer of Touch for Health Kinesiology & Consulting Kinesiologist, IAKP, a Certified
Practitioner of both Integral Eye Movement Therapy, IEMT, and a Havening Practitioner.
In addition to her therapeutic background, she has worked
with clients such as the US Army Peacekeeping Forces,
PSYOP Division, the NC Bar Association training Mediators, Live on NY (the NY Organ Donor Foundation,) and has been a top corporate speaker in Conflict Resolution/Negotiation for Vistage International for 16 years.
It is my honor to serve you and make a difference in your
life. I am available for both daytime and weekend hours and also work via Zoom.

Learn more about Stephanie by visiting StephanieShipper.com

Paula Chiarmonte, MLIS

Advocating optimal brain health, while focusing on clients’ cognitive and emotional challenges, Paula practices neurofeedback and biofeedback at Integrative Life Solutions (ILS) in North Carolina. A comprehensive wellness center; ILS features integrative medicine, advanced biotechnologies and subtle energy therapies.

Paula is a Preferred Affiliate with PSYCH-K® International, having studied with Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief) and founder, Rob Williams. Utilizing biofeedback and validated by neurofeedback, PSYCH-K blends the psychology of self-empowerment, with the new biology of intention.

A “deep change” brain integration technique; it synchronizes the conscious, subconscious and super conscious aspects of the mind while releasing self-limiting beliefs held in the subconscious. The resulting “whole brain state” creates equilibrium across the brain’s right and left hemisphere, aligning conscious mind intentions with subconscious beliefs. Whole brain balancing alleviates stress, addresses trauma, fosters emotional resiliency and enhances mental flexibility.

Her practice statement below is on Rob Williams’ official PSYCH-K website www.psych-k.com.

Bringing over 30 years of personal experience in complementary and integrative health care modalities to my Whole Brain Balancing PSYCH-K® practice, I enable you to shift subconscious beliefs, release your potential, and change your life by accessing your “whole brain” state. Working every day with people like you to release your unlimited potential for improved health, wealth, relationships, and spirituality; my goal for every client is swift, deep, and enduring change in the subconscious mind. Together we release contradictory, disempowering, and sabotaging subconscious beliefs, keeping you from your true purpose in life, through “breakthrough” experiences that previously seemed unattainable. Learn to harness your brain’s innate neuroplasticity (ability to change); reduce stress and trauma; deepen self-compassion and self-awareness; manage conflict with more courage and flexibility; achieve inner peace and foster the evolution of global consciousness. 

Certified in transformational healthcare leadership and healthcare disparities from UCLA, Paula is a former research analyst, management consultant and academic librarian. Paula advised nonprofit boards and raised major gifts nationally, for decades. Certified in planned giving, she trained library boards throughout California, funded by the California State Library.

The National Endowment for the Humanities sponsored her award-winning bibliography of American women artists, recognized for excellence in art historical research in 1990. Paula holds an advanced degree in Library and Information Science and two undergraduate degrees in Design and Business Administration.

Robin Clare

What answers have you been searching for on your spiritual journey? Do you find that your search prevents you from living fully in the present moment? The most often asked question on the spiritual journey is ” Why am I here?” When you know the answer to this question, you will stop searching for answers and start serving in a focused and committed manner.  Through Robin’s own expanded spiritual journey, she discovered a process to answer the universal question, “Why am I here?”.   Robin is sharing this process through a one-of a kind spirit-guided program called the SOUL PLAN™.

Your Soul Plan is a blueprint that tells you what you purposefully came here to learn in this lifetime.  The program includes individual sessions to: 1. Define the spiritual journey you have lead to date. 2. Unveil your Soul Plan blueprint. 3. Develop a plan to align your spiritual journey with your Soul’s destiny. 4. Review how to implement your Soul’s desired next steps as contained in your comprehensive SOUL PLAN™  report.

Imagine having the clarity to fulfill your destiny by living and serving in the now.  Want to learn more?

Contact Robin at: Robin@clare-ity.com   or 860-232-3331  or visit her website at:  www.clare-ity.com 

Known as the Spiritual MBA, Robin Clare brings Clare-ity, Alignment and TRUE Success to her client’s lives by merging her extensive business expertise with access to universal wisdom.  Since 2004, Robin has co-founded three spiritual organizations. Robin Clare has 25 years of experience as a seasoned corporate MBA plus the past 10 years of supporting spiritual seekers.  Now, she is merging her two career paths to bring Clare-ity to her client’s personal and professional lives with business know-how and universal access.

Robin is a creative and inspiring speaker. Her signature speaking topic, Stop Seeking and Start Creating showcases her one-of-a-kind SOUL PLAN™ program.  Robin is often a guest consultant and teacher at spiritual centers to support a diverse audience of spiritual seekers. Robin organizes travel and retreat experiences on sacred destinations across the globe.  She is the author of Messiah Within and an upcoming second and third book, Walking the Walk with Spirit and Spiritual Business Mastery. Robin is honored to live her life’s purpose in service to others.