Advocating optimal brain health, while focusing on clients’ cognitive and emotional challenges, Paula practices neurofeedback and biofeedback at Integrative Life Solutions (ILS) in North Carolina. A comprehensive wellness center; ILS features integrative medicine, advanced biotechnologies and subtle energy therapies.
Paula is a Preferred Affiliate with PSYCH-K® International, having studied with Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief) and founder, Rob Williams. Utilizing biofeedback and validated by neurofeedback, PSYCH-K blends the psychology of self-empowerment, with the new biology of intention.
A “deep change” brain integration technique; it synchronizes the conscious, subconscious and super conscious aspects of the mind while releasing self-limiting beliefs held in the subconscious. The resulting “whole brain state” creates equilibrium across the brain’s right and left hemisphere, aligning conscious mind intentions with subconscious beliefs. Whole brain balancing alleviates stress, addresses trauma, fosters emotional resiliency and enhances mental flexibility.
Her practice statement below is on Rob Williams’ official PSYCH-K website
Bringing over 30 years of personal experience in complementary and integrative health care modalities to my Whole Brain Balancing PSYCH-K® practice, I enable you to shift subconscious beliefs, release your potential, and change your life by accessing your “whole brain” state. Working every day with people like you to release your unlimited potential for improved health, wealth, relationships, and spirituality; my goal for every client is swift, deep, and enduring change in the subconscious mind. Together we release contradictory, disempowering, and sabotaging subconscious beliefs, keeping you from your true purpose in life, through “breakthrough” experiences that previously seemed unattainable. Learn to harness your brain’s innate neuroplasticity (ability to change); reduce stress and trauma; deepen self-compassion and self-awareness; manage conflict with more courage and flexibility; achieve inner peace and foster the evolution of global consciousness.
Certified in transformational healthcare leadership and healthcare disparities from UCLA, Paula is a former research analyst, management consultant and academic librarian. Paula advised nonprofit boards and raised major gifts nationally, for decades. Certified in planned giving, she trained library boards throughout California, funded by the California State Library.
The National Endowment for the Humanities sponsored her award-winning bibliography of American women artists, recognized for excellence in art historical research in 1990. Paula holds an advanced degree in Library and Information Science and two undergraduate degrees in Design and Business Administration.